Fabrizio Siciliano

I am a pianist, composer, arranger; my classical training combines with a further interest in various musical genres, which has led me to in-depth studies and important concerts and record collaborations, regarding jazz, pop and rock music. I graduated in Piano at the...


We want to tell you about the Movie Concert, a great little journey through the notes of the Seventh Art: the Cinema! It is Beautiful Music for the Big Screen, the experimentation of new sound mixes, basically a performance aimed at amusing and moving: from The...

Compose your concert!

La Valse d’Amelie (Yann Tiersen) From The wonderful world of Amelie (2002), directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet: “On the evening of a bright day in July, while holiday-makers enjoy themselves on the beach in the carefreeness of the sunny days and while in...

Work in progress!

We are working  with Fabrizio Siciliano on the arrangements of the new music pieces from the movies’ soundtracks like Il Postino, Cinema Paradiso, Madagascar, The Pink Panther, Mission Impossible. Stay tuned!

28.5.2019 | Concert

Theatre Arciliuto, Montevecchio Square (Roma) 28 May 2019, h 9:30 pm Tèchne Movie Trio Francesca Romana Fioravanti, violin Gabriella Pasini, cello Giovanna De Rubertis, piano Fabrizio Siciliano, arrangements “Movie Concert” A journey from “The Imitation Game” to...


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