Why Téchne Movie Trio? Because someone decided that it was our name, and because we are convinced that “between the white and the black keys of the keyboard there is an infinity of sounds still unexplored”. So what? So the Téchne Movie Trio was created on...

Giovanna De Rubertis

I will go through my artistic and professional experiences, following my vast experience as a pianist, starting from the long-gone 90’s, when I graduated from the Conservatory of Saint Cecilia in Piano and Chamber Music. Although someone said “Perfection doesn’t...

Francesca Romana Fioravanti

When you are born in a musical family, you can happen to become a violinist and to enrol at the conservatory, and more precisely at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. But the undersigned is a curious violinist who looks around herself, or rather flies! Then I...

Gabriella Pasini

Can you remember the 80’s movie “Fame”? I clearly remember it, because it is precisely when I met splendid Lori Singer, aka “Julie Miller”, that my passion for the cello started – the most beautiful instrument in the world – and since I’ve always loved...

Enzo Aronica

My artistic career started long ago, back in 1976! But the turning point was in 1982, when I began my studies in directing and video techniques at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. In cinema, I started as an assistant to Jean Pierre Ponnelle and Pasqualino De...


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